What are the five stages of kidney failure?

Ayurvedic Kidney Treatment is an Ayurveda treatment for the kidney diseases. It cures all kinds of kidney related problems like stones, pain and swelling of the kidneys etc. This treatment provides immense relief to patient suffering from these diseases.
If a person is looking for a permanent revival of the kidneys, then switch to Ayurveda treatment for kidney failure.

In CKD (chronic kidney disease), the kidneys generally don’t fail all at once. Rather, kidney disease often increases at a slow pace for years. If chronic kidney disease is detected early, along with lifestyle medicines, diet changes can help prevent or slow CKD progression.

Chronic Kidney Disease

Chronic kidney disease (CKD) has five stages. The stages are grounded on the eGFR test result and how well the kidneys are functioning to filter extra fluid and waste out of the blood. As the stage upgrades, the kidney condition worsens, and the kidneys work less efficiently. At every stage of CKD, it is crucial to take steps to slow down the damage to the kidneys.

In simple words, CKD is a loss of kidney functioning where kidneys gradually start losing their functioning with time. People with CKD may not feel any symptoms or complications in the initial stages; however, this disease slowly and silently breaches into the urinary system without being noticed and prowls around the kidneys to damage its functioning. 

Stages Of CKD


In stage1 of chronic kidney disease, very mild damage happens to the kidneys. In this initial stage, kidneys can adjust to this, allowing them to keep performing at 90 percent or better.

In this stage, CKD is probable to be discovered during regular urine and blood tests. A person can also have these tests if they are suffering from high blood pressure or diabetes.

Indications of CKD Stage1

High blood pressure, UTIs, swelling in legs, abnormal urine tests.

Steps to take

  • Regularly see the doctor and monitor the health, report any unexplained or unusual symptoms and ask questions. Make sure to ask about the current eGFR.
  • Make healthy changes in lifestyle, eat well, exercise, quit smoking, reduce stress, and take proper sleep.
  • Consume all the prescribed medications on time as directed by the doctor and consult the doctor before taking any additional medications.


CKD Stage2 means that a person’s eGFR has decreased to between 60 and 89, and they suffer mild damage to their kidneys. Often, the kidneys still work well, so a person might not have any symptoms. It’s possible they may have some other signs of kidney damage, like physical damage or protein in the urine.

Indications of CKD Stage2

UTIs, swelling in legs, high blood pressure, abnormal urine tests

Steps to take

  • Make a relationship with an ayurvedic kidney expert. Early ayurvedic treatment for kidney failure can slow the progression of CKD and can treat it naturally.
  • It’s essential to pay attention to the underlying cause. If a person has diabetes, heart disease, or high blood pressure, then they must follow the doctor’s instructions in order to manage these conditions.
  • Maintain a good diet, do regular exercise, and maintain the right weight. If a person smokes, then they must ask their doctor about smoke halting programs.


Stage 3A means that the kidney is functioning at around 45 and 59 percent. Stage 3B means kidneys are functioning between 30 and 44 percent. Also, this means that the kidneys are not filtering toxins, waste, and fluids properly, which start accumulating.

Indications of CKD Stage3

Persistent itching, back pain, sleep problems, fatigue, loss of appetite, weakness, swelling of the hands and feet

Steps to take

  • A low salt diet in order to relieve fluid retention
  • Ayurvedic medications for lowering cholesterol levels
  • Following a lower protein diet so that the kidneys don’t have to work hard.


CKD stage4 means that a person has an eGFR in between 15 and 29 with moderate to severe damage to the kidneys. The kidneys do not work as effectively as they should to filter waste out of the blood. This waste can accumulate in the body, causing other health issues, such as bone diseases, heart disease, and high blood pressure. A person will probably have symptoms such as swelling in the feet and hands, along with pain in the lower back. 

Stage4 is the last stage before kidney failure. It’s essential to regularly visit a nephrologist (a kidney expert) in order to slow down kidney damage by taking effective kidney failure ayurvedic treatment

Indications of CKD Stage4

VitaminD, Bone disease, Anemia, decreased appetite, abnormal phosphorus levels, calcium

Steps to take

  • Follow the steps defined in the preceding stages in order to take the best health care.
  • Regularly see the doctor for any new developing symptoms or changes happening in existing conditions.
  • Talk with the dietitian regarding a kidney-friendly diet to help keep the kidneys functioning longer.
  • Talk to a nephrologist (a kidney expert) to determine the best kidney failure ayurvedic treatment.


CKD stage5 means that a person has an eGFR of less than 15 and severe damage to their kidneys. The kidneys are close to failure or have already failed, which means that the kidneys have stopped working). Because the kidneys have stopped working to filter waste out of the blood, waste products get accumulate in the body, which can make a person sick and can cause other health problems. When the kidneys fail, the safest treatment options to survive to include ayurvedic kidney failure treatment.

Indications of CKD Stage5

Swelling in hands, and legs Uremia, shortness of breath, fatigue, nausea, vomiting, abnormal thyroid levels, lower back pain

Steps to take

  • See the kidney specialist regularly for monitoring progression.
  • Look for the best ayurvedic treatment for kidney failure and make changes in lifestyle and diet. 

Ayurvedic treatment for Kidney Failure

Ayurveda treatment for CKD kidney disease is all about the principles of Vedic science based on the belief it is to cure health problems naturally by using the unique combination of numerous medicinal herbs that are safe and effective for all people.

One of the best things about Ayurveda is that it does not leave any physical or psychological side effects on the body and gives permanent solutions for kidney complications.

Ayurveda is the best substitute for allopathic medications that are intended to treat the symptoms but never treat the primary roots of the disease. The herbs used for the Ayurvedic treatment detect and treat the root cause of the problem to deliver complete relief from the disease.

Several health issues can put the kidney’s health at risk. If a person is already suffering from chronic kidney failure, then the above mentioned information is just for you.

Also Read : How does it feel when something is wrong with your kidneys?
